Agribusiness Team: Natural Products Market in Brazil - Webinar

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join us to hear about the Natural Products market in Brazil.  Hear from IQVIA and Regularium to understand market potential and the regulatory environment in Brazil.

Presentations include:
  • IQVIA will present data from the Brazilian Pharmacy Channel, offering a comprehensive view of the vitamin, mineral and supplement market in the country
  • Regularium, a consulting firm specialized in Regulatory Intelligence in Brazil
  • Market overview from U.S. Commercial Service

This webinar is an excellent opportunity for U.S. organization to connect and explore potential partnerships in Brazil. Participants will receive valuable insights into consumer trends, consumer preferences and growth opportunities in this expanding sector.  The discussion will also include information about the two regulatory milestones regarding the regulation of dietary supplements, including the acceptance of the FDA as an equivalent reference agency in the approval of new ingredients and innovative foods.

We are excited to share our expertise to open doors for new collaborations and business in the market.


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