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09/27/2024 (5:00 PM)
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The United States Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration (ITA), is organizing a
n executive-ledMinority-BusinessFocused Trade Mission (MBTM) to Southwestern Europe: Italy, Spain, and Portugal from Sunday,May 15, 2022 to Saturday, May 21, 2022. 


The recruitment for the MBTM will be a targeted focus onminority businesses. However,recruitment and consideration will be given to all export-ready companies that meet the established criteria for participation in the mission.Trade mission activities will be designed to target the export assistance needs of minority businesses. For purposes of the trade mission, a “minority business” is one that falls within the Minority Business Development Agency’s definition of Minority Business Enterprises: organizations that are owned or controlled by the following persons or groups of persons are the organizations that are considered MBEs: African-American, Hispanic-American, American Asian and Pacific Islander, Native American (including Alaska Natives, Alaska Native Corporations and Tribal entities), Asian Indian American, and Hasidic Jewish American. See 15 C.F.R. §§ 1400.1, 1400.2 and Executive Order 11625 (1969).This mission is in full alignment with Executive Order13985 on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government (January 25,2021),the goals of which include advancing racial equity and provide support for minority business enterprises.  This mission is also in full alignment with the President’s 2021 Trade Policy Agenda’s statement on Advancing Racial Equity and Supporting Underserved Communities, which notes,The trade agenda will support domestic initiatives that eliminate social and economic structural barriers to equality and economic opportunity.”  


The focus of the MBTM is on the information and communication technology (ICT) sector and subsectors of cybersecurity, smart city infrastructure and technology solutions, artificial intelligence markets and cloud computing, and energy, environmental technology, and safety and security technology applications 


The delegation will be comprised of representatives with decision-making authority from U.S. companies, U.S. trade associations and national minority chambers of commercerepresenting businesses in the cited sectors, with an emphasis on recruiting and vetting minority businesses as defined by MBDA. This mission is aligned with a key goal of the Biden-Harris Administration to build back better with equity 


The mission will make three stops: Milan, Italy, Madrid, Spain, and Lisbon, Portugal. The purpose of the planned executive-led mission is to provide opportunitiesfor U.S. companies, to access the Southwestern European regional market and increase U.S.exports to the European Union (EU) region by connecting U.S. firms and trade associations to pre-screened business prospects.  

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