Southern Cone Clean Tech Webinar Series
06/06/2024 (11:00 AM)
06/28/2024 (4:00 PM)
(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)

We are pleased to launch the Initiative for Mitigating Pollution and Climate Threats (IMPACT), an ITA-led, all of government approach to bolster clean tech cooperation with the Southern Cone of Latin America, including by advancing exports of U.S. technology, products, and services. As the Southern Cone invests tens of billions into their climate goals and sets the standards for regional deployments across Latin America, IMPACT seeks to position the U.S. as its closest partner for market development and regulatory cooperation, including by introducing U.S. solutions to Southern Cone government and industry leaders.  IMPACT will feature a high level Trade Mission to the U.S. in September, 2024 and a U.S. Trade Mission taking U.S. companies to the Southern Cone in August, 2025.   


To that end, the U.S. Commercial Service is featuring presentations by industry and government experts, via a unique webinar series, to introduce U.S. industry to IMPACT and Southern Cone markets. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of IMPACT and learn more about the opportunities below during the following webinars:  


Thursday, June 6th @ 11:00AM EST – IMPACT Webinar 1: Power Generation & Environmental Technologies 

  • Argentina has built nearly 200 cleantech power generation projects with a capacity of 5.2 gigawatts.  To meet its COP26 commitment of increasing the share of renewables in the energy matrix to 20% by 2025, Argentina seeks to expand investment by USD $20-27 billion.  Argentina has secured a loan from the IDB for USD $1.1 billion for power sector network infrastructure expansion. 

  • Chile is set to retire all coal plants by 2040.  Power generation market ruled by free competition. Power generation production potential from renewable sources: 5,000 Terawatt-hours per annum.  Market potential for wind: 40,000 MW.  Highest solar irradiance in the Western Hemisphere. Government striving to be compliant with FTA environmental protection provisions. 

  • Paraguay has a 2021-2040 power generation masterplan which includes the construction of new power-generation plants; the life extension, modernization and increase of generation capacity of the Acaray Hydroelectric Power Plant; and construction of nineteen new small-hydro power plants; new energy storage facilities and solar parks. 

  • Uruguay is a global leader in clean energy generation, with over 90% of its electricity generated from renewable sources.  Uruguay seeks to double its renewable energy generation capacity and update its now aging solar, hydro and wind assets, including with a $500 million IDB loan.  Uruguayan companies also play an important regional role around Latin America, leading project development in other markets.  


Thursday, June 13th @ 1:00PM EST - IMPACT Webinar 2: Smart Grid & Energy Storage 

  • Argentina is seeking to accelerate country-wide smart-meter adoption and implementation, the digitalization of power networks, and advance the integration of energy distributors with transporters. 

  • Chile is poised to become the second-largest battery market in the Americas.  Chile currently has 85 energy storage projects, totaling 6.4 GW in various stages of development, with several of them going online in the 2024-2026 timeframe.   

  • Paraguay is constructing new compact substations within the existing energy grid to reduce the environmental impact of electrical installations in populated areas, and implementing a state-of-the-art contingency control scheme to ensure the safe operation of the National Interconnected System, with the Itaipú and Yacyretá Power Plants. 

  • Uruguay is currently leveraging its robust wind and solar resources and is sourcing cutting-edge battery storage and smart grid technologies.  Uruguay is seeking to enhance grid stability, mitigate intermittencies, and optimize energy distribution as well as develop new grid infrastructure to support new investments. 

Thursday, June 27th @ 1:00PM EST - IMPACT Webinar 3: Hydrogen Energy & Transportation 

  • Argentina has potential to produce +8 million tons of green hydrogen per year. The government projects to reach $15 billion in hydrogen exports by year 2050.   

  • Chile aims at developing electrolysis capacity worth 5GW by 2025, as precursor to becoming a world hydrogen exporter by 2030 with an estimated production of 25 GW.  Further, it seeks to achieve 100% of zero-emission vehicle sales, to include urban transport buses and taxis by 2035, and heavy-duty trucks and intercity buses by 2045. 

  • Uruguay is currently advancing an ambitious decarbonization strategy and has already announced projects projected to cost over $10 billion in hydrogen, e-fuels and sustainable transportation. The initial phase is expected to be followed by a second stage featuring projects worth $18 billion, by 2040.  

Why attend? 

Attendees will learn about Southern Cone market and how to participate in IMPACT. Attendees will learn, firsthand, from the experts about the region’s market potential, as well as business opportunities. 

You will also receive market intelligence reports on each country, produced exclusively for webinar participants, by our U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service Teams. 

Learn about the September, 2024 High Level Trade Mission from the Southern Cone to the U.S. and our Clean Tech Trade Mission for U.S. companies going to the Southern Cone in August, 2025.  


Call to action: 

Join us and secure your spot now!  Our Mission is to help you compete and win in the Southern Cone! 

Registration Cost:

$50 per webinar, per participant. Prior to submitting payment, please select the webinar(s) of your choosing.

Registration Help Guide

If this is your first time registering for an event with the U.S. Commercial Service, using our new event platform, InEvent, please follow the steps in the Registration Help Guide to create a new account, and then register.  Need help?  Contact

We invite you to explore the wide variety of events that we offer to help U.S. companies expand their global sales.


Gonzalo Irrazabal

Partner at Irrazabal & Associates

Gonzalo Irrazabal is a distinguished lawyer and energy expert based in Uruguay. He holds a law degree from the University of Montevideo and a master's degree in Energy and Natural Resources Law from Queen Mary University of London. As a partner at Irrazabal & Asociados and a member of the Technical Committee at the Observatory of Energy and Sustainable Development of the Catholic University of Uruguay, he has made significant contributions to the field. Irrazabal's experience includes consulting for the Inter-American Development Bank on Uruguay's energy policy towards 2050, working for the Energy Charter Treaty as a member of the Knowledge Center, and serving in the Banking & Energy department at Guyer & Regules.

Maria Cecilia Llamosas, PhD.

Co-Founder of Crece Paraguay

Dr. Cecilia Llamosas, a Paraguay-based researcher and policy advisor, focuses on the intersection of energy security and technological capabilities in the green transition. With a PhD from the University of Sussex's Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), she is a research associate at the Energy Systems Research Group (GISE) and lecturer at the National University of Asuncion (UNA). Cecilia co-founded CRECE Paraguay to advance the decarbonisation of the economy through renewable energy, industrial electrification, and sustainable mobility. As an international consultant, she has advised multilateral banks, governments, and businesses on technological transitions, innovation, and public affairs in transportation, industrial development, and energy policy. Cecilia also served on the Advisory Commission for the Review of Annex C of the Itaipu Treaty in Paraguay.

Martin Brandi

CEO @ Petroquimica Comodoro Rivadavia (PCR)

PCR is a family-owned business, founded by Martín’s grandfather. Mr. Brandi is CEO of PCR, and COO of the Cement and Renewables Division of PCR.Prior to joining PCR he worked in the Techint group.Mr. Brandi earned his engineering degree from the University of Buenos Aires and completed an Executive Program at Stanford University.

Rodrigo Espinoza

Operations Manager @ Coordinador Electrico Nacional

Rodrigo Espinoza is the Operation Manager of "Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional", the Chilean Independent System Operator (ISO). He is an Electrical Civil Engineer from the Universidad de Chile, and studied a Master's Degree in Sciences, mention in Geophysics, with specialization in Atmospheric Sciences at the same university. He has a professional career of more than 28 years in the electricity sector and especially in the Coordinador, where he has developed an outstanding career. In 2015 he took charge of the Studies Department of the Tolls Department of CDEC SIC and since 2017 he has been Deputy Manager in the areas of “Operation Assurance” and in “Studies and Operational Support” at Coordinador. He has held the position of Operation Manager since October 2022.

Agustina Jefremov

Sr. Manager Corporate & Regulatory Affairs @AES

Agustina has been leading the regulatory affairs and external relations area of AES Argentina since 2022. Her experience includes research for JP Morgan, external relations at YPF, and most recently as an energy and mining specialist at the US Embassy in Argentina. Agustina has a degree in International Relations from the Universidad Católica Argentina, where she also completed a postgraduate course in Corporate Affairs Management.

Daniel Rios

Coordinator of the Energy Systems Research Group

Daniel, a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, co-founded Crex, a consulting firm dedicated to generating value through the transfer of knowledge and technology for the better management of energy resources.  He currently holds the position of Assistant Professor at Universidad Nacional de Asunción Polytechnic Faculty.

He is cofounder of CRECE.

Jaime Peralta

Member of the Board @ Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional

Civil Electrical Engineer from the University of Chile, MBA from ESADE Law & Business School, Master in Applied Sciences (M.A.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy  (Ph.D.) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Montreal, Canada.

Professional with 30 years of experience and has worked for major electric utilities in executive positions in both Canada and the US, including BC Hydro, Siemens, and Alstom Grid, where he led the engineering area for FACTS/HVDC projects in North America. He has advised Independent System Operators (ISOs) including AESO, PJM and CENACE.

His areas of expertise include planning and operation of electricity systems with high insertion of renewable energy and storage systems, operation of electricity markets and integration of new technologies for energy transition.

He has published some twenty articles in leading scientific journals and international conferences. He has completed postgraduate programs in finance, artificial intelligence, corporate governance and boards of directors, and holds a NERC certification in Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure. He is a member of CIGRE, a Senior Member (SM) of IEEE, and holds a Professional Engineer (P. Eng.) degree in the province of Alberta, Canada.

Lorena Di Chiara

Energy Consultant @ IDB

Electrical Engineer graduated from the University of the Republic in 2003. She also has a Master's in Energy Engineering from Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Uruguay. She is a professor and energy researcher at the Observatory of Energy and Sustainable Development of the Catholic University of Uruguay.

She has worked as an Energy Specialist at the National Energy Directorate – Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining, UTE and the Electricity Market Administration. She is currently at the InterAmerican Development Bank as an international consultant in energy planning and modelling.

Luis Carlos Parra Raffán

Senior Consultant @ HINICIO

Luis Carlos Parra Raffán stands out as an expert in the field of sustainable mobility and environmental innovation. His rich and diverse professional background, marked by stints at esteemed organizations like Hinicio, Enel X, and Enel, reflects his deep commitment to advancing the frontiers of sustainable energy and decarbonization. Luis's tenure at these institutions has endowed him with a profound understanding of the complexities and nuances of implementing sustainable energy solutions in varied contexts, including the ports and shipping sectors.

María José González

Senior Hydrogen Advisor @ Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining in Uruguay

María José González is the head of the Green Hydrogen Program at the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay.

Prior to this position, she led an interministerial project, BIOVALOR, where she promoted circular economy and energy issues.

She was director of the NGO CEMPRE associated with recycling and waste management with international companies as partners.

She studied at the University of the Republic, where she graduated in Civil Hydraulic Engineering and obtained a master's degree in Environmental Engineering. He is part of the first cohort of the Emerging Climate Leader Fellowship at the Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs at Yale University.

Juan Pablo Freijo

CEO & Founder @ SEMPEN

Sempen was founded by Juan Pablo Freijo, an engineer who has built and grown energy companies for the past 14 years. He developed Corporación América’s Energy Business unit from scratch into CGC, a company with over US$ 800 MM in revenues and assets spanning oil & gas production and processing, midstream gas transportation, renewable power and mining, with operations in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. During his tenure at CGC, he held various positions including CBO, COO, and Vice Chairman. Juan Pablo earned a degree in industrial engineering and a master’s degree in Oil & Gas Production from Buenos Aires Technological Institute (ITBA), a Master’s in Science in Finance from DiTella University, and an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business.  

About Sempen: 

Sempen is an energy company specialized in the production of renewable fuels such as green ammonia and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Sempen’s mission is to unlock the world’s best renewable energy resources, converting wind and solar power into green hydrogen and into renewable fuels. Sempen is developing global scale projects in Latin America. 

María De La Cruz

Hydrogen Advisor @ Maritima Valparaiso Chile S.A.

Maria brings over 25 years of experience in the power industry, spanning trade associations, non-profit organizations, development banks, public institutions, and utilities in both Chile and the UK. Specializing in the energy transition, she offers a comprehensive vision and practical expertise in project design, including the development of public policies to expedite the adoption of sustainable energy practices. 

Currently, she serves as the Hydrogen Advisor at Maritima Valparaiso Chile S.A. and sits on the boards of Pherousa Green Shipping AS and The International Tracking Standard Foundation (formerly I-REC Standard Foundation). At the I-TRACK Standard Foundation, Maria plays a crucial role in implementing a certification system for hydrogen, aimed at enhancing industry transparency and accountability. As the former CEO of H2 Chile, she spearheaded significant growth and international recognition for the Chilean Hydrogen Association, solidifying its position in the hydrogen market through strategic alliances and active support for public policy development. Additionally, Maria served on the board of the Green Hydrogen Organisation, a globally renowned nonprofit organization focused on catalysing the growth of the green hydrogen industry.  

Maria's dedication now lies in materializing the demand for hydrogen by fostering its applications across various sectors, contributing to the global transition towards sustainable energy solutions.