The US-France Economic Investment Mission is a three-stop mission throughout the South of France. This mission will bring numerous opportunities for you to learn how to invest and grow your business in the United States. The delegation will consist of representatives from 15 U.S. states who you will be able to meet as well as learn best practices for investing in the United States. As a part of SelectUSA, this mission will offer a variety of services to help international companies connect with economic development representatives at the state and local levels.
Jalil Benabdillah
Vice-President in charge of Economy, Employment, Innovation and Reindustrialization @ La Région Occitanie
Having obtained an engineering degree from the Alès school of Engineering (IMT Mines Alès), Jalil Benabdillah pursued his studies at the University of Montpellier where he was awarded a doctorate in Process and Particulate Engineering, before returning to Alès in 1999 and founding SDTech with his lifelong friend, Aziz Aït Amer.
From 2004 to 2007 he was President of the Erasmus Student Network in France.
His career as a business creator, then as an entrepreneur, is marked by real involvement and civic commitment to the local economy in Alès and the region of Occitanie, where SDTech was born and continues to grow.
In 2014 he was elected as a Municipal Councillor (re-elected in 2020), responsible for Higher Education and Research, cultural sponsorship and partnerships. He became First Vice-Chairman for the Agglomeration of Alès in charge of Economic Development and International Relations.
Jalil Benabdillah is also involved with businesses in the Occitanie region since in July 2015 he was unanimously elected as President of Leader Occitanie, a network of more than 200 companies based in the Occitanie region, who demonstrate intense development and controlled growth.
In June 2021 he was Elected as Councillor for the Occitanie Region of France and nominated as Vice-President in charge of Economy, Employment, Innovation and Reindustrialisation.
Miguel Pinedo
Director Strategy & Marketing, Aerospace and Transportation Business Unit @ Constellium
Anke Goebel de Méndez
Directrice, State of Iowa - European Office @ Iowa
Antje Abshoff
Managing Director, Foreign Direct Investment, Strategic Projects & Lead Generation @ Virginia
Christoph Doerr
European Office Director @ Alabama
Ellen Kraft
Managing Director @ Georgia
Marine L'Herrou
Europe Director @ New York