Design & Construction Business Development Mission to SE Asia

03/24/2025 (8:00 AM)
03/28/2025 (9:00 PM)
(GMT+08:00) Hong Kong


Design and Construction (D&C) Trade Mission to Asia

We invite U.S. companies in the Design & Construction and Environmental Technologies industries to join us on a trade mission to Hong KongTaipei, and Ho Chi Minh City. This mission aims to explore potential export opportunities in these markets.


Mission Focus

The mission will look into D&C subsectors such as safety, sustainable materials, retrofitting and refurbishment, construction robotics, automation, digitalization, Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), recycling, sustainable design and materials, and environmental tech. These sectors are currently of interest in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Vietnam.


Market Conditions

Please note that these locations have a shortage of construction workers and have set a goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This presents potential opportunities for companies specializing in sustainable and environmental technologies.


Mission Benefits

Delegates may have the opportunity to gain market insights, establish industry contacts, interact with government agencies, solidify business strategies, and advance specific projects.


Networking and Business Opportunities

The mission may include group interactions with government agencies and leading trade associations, and potentially customized one-on-one business appointments with pre-screened potential agents, distributors, partners, and buyers. Networking events may provide introductions to government officials, industry leaders, and senior officials from the U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), and the U.S. Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


Register today 

The Design & Construction Trade Mission to Asia offers a unique opportunity for U.S. companies to explore potential export markets in Hong Kong, Taipei, and Ho Chi Minh City. Don’t miss this chance to connect with industry leaders and potential partners. Register today to be part of this mission.

Proposed Schedule

Sunday, Mar 23, 2025



·               Trade Mission Participants Arrive in Hong Kong

Monday, Mar 24, 2025


·               Morning: Trade Mission / Market Briefing

·               Afternoon: B2B Meetings and meetings with industry associations such as Urban Land Institute and Construction Industry Council

·               Evening: Networking reception

Tuesday, Mar 25, 2025



·               Morning: B2B Meetings, continued

·               Midday: Industry Roundtable or Site Visit

·               Afternoon/Evening: Departure to Taiwan

Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025

Taipei, Taiwan


·               Morning: Country briefing at the American Institute in Taiwan

·               Afternoon: Meetings with the National Association of Architects, Architecture Association of the R.O.C., and The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Taiwan chapter

·               Evening: Reception

Thursday, Mar 27, 2025



·               Morning: B2B meetings in Taiwan

·               Midday/Evening: Departure to Ho Chi Minh City

Friday, Mar 28, 2025

Ho Chi Minh City


·               Morning: Market Briefing by the U.S. Consulate and AmCham:  Vietnam Market Overview – Opportunities and Challenges for American companies


·               B2G Meetings with the Department of Construction or Department of Planning and Architects and related Associations or Site visit


·               Afternoon: B2B Meetings


·               Evening: Reception 


After a firm or trade association has been selected to participate on the mission, a payment to the Department of Commerce in the form of a participation fee is required. The participation fee for the Design & Construction Trade Mission to Hong Kong will be:

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: $3,800.00 
Large Firms or Trade Associations: $5,500.00 
Each additional firm representative (large firm or SME/trade organization): $750

Expenses like travel, lodging, meals, and incidentals will be the responsibility of each mission participant.  Interpreter and driver services can be arranged for additional cost. Delegation members will be able to take advantage of U.S. Embassy rates for hotel rooms.


If and when an applicant is selected to participate on a particular mission, a payment to the Department of Commerce in the amount of the designated participation fee below is required.  Upon notification of acceptance to participate, those selected have 5 business days to submit payment or the acceptance may be revoked. 


Participants selected for a trade mission will be expected to pay for the cost of personal expenses, including, but not limited to, international travel, lodging, meals, transportation, communication, and incidentals, unless otherwise noted.   Participants will, however, be able to take advantage of U.S. Government rates for hotel rooms.  In the event that a mission is cancelled, no personal expenses paid in anticipation of a mission will be reimbursed. However, participation fees for a cancelled mission will be reimbursed to the extent they have not already been expended in anticipation of the mission.


If a visa is required to travel on a particular mission, applying for and obtaining such a visa will be the responsibility of the mission participant. Government fees and processing expenses to obtain such a visa are not included in the participation fee. However, the Department of Commerce will provide instructions to each participant on the procedures required to obtain business visas.


Trade Mission members participate in trade missions and undertake mission-related travel at their own risk.  The nature of the security situation in a given foreign market at a given time cannot be guaranteed.  The U.S. Government does not make any representations or guarantees as to the safety or security of participants.  The U.S. Department of State issues U.S. Government international travel alerts and warnings for U.S. citizens available at  Any question regarding insurance coverage must be resolved by the participant and its insurer of choice.

[1] For purposes of assessing participation fees, an applicant is a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) if it qualifies under the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) size standards (, which vary by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code.  The SBA Size Standards Tool [] can help you determine the qualifications that apply to your company. 



Applicants must submit a completed and signed mission application and supplemental application materials, including adequate information on their products and/or services, primary market objectives, and goals for participation that is adequate to allow the Department of Commerce to evaluate their application.  If the Department of Commerce receives an incomplete application, the Department may either: reject the application, request additional information/clarification, or take the lack of information into account when evaluating the application.  If the requisite minimum number of participants is not selected for a particular mission by the recruitment deadline, the mission may be cancelled. 


Each applicant must also certify that the products and services it seeks to export through the mission are either produced in the United States, or, if not, are marketed under the name of a U.S. firm and have at least fifty-one percent U.S. content by value. In the case of a trade association or organization, the applicant must certify that, for each firm or service provider to be represented by the association/organization, the products and/or services the represented firm or service provider seeks to export are either produced in the United States or, if not, marketed under the name of a U.S. firm and have at least 51% U.S. content.


A trade association/organization applicant must certify to the above for all of the companies it seeks to represent on the mission.


In addition, each applicant must:


·       Certify that the products and services that it wishes to market through the mission would be in compliance with U.S. export controls and regulations;

·       Certify that it has identified any matter pending before any bureau or office in the Department of Commerce;

·       Certify that it has identified any pending litigation (including any administrative proceedings) to which it is a party that involves the Department of Commerce; and

·       Sign and submit an agreement that it and its affiliates (1) have not and will not engage in the bribery of foreign officials in connection with a company’s/participant’s involvement in this mission, and (2) maintain and enforce a policy that prohibits the bribery of foreign officials.


In the case of a trade association/organization, the applicant must certify that each firm or service provider to be represented by the association/organization can make the above certifications.


Targeted mission participants are U.S. firms, services providers and trade associations/organizations providing or promoting U.S. products and services that have an interest in entering or expanding their business in the mission’s destination country. The following criteria will be evaluated in selecting participants:

·       Suitability of the applicant’s (or in the case of a trade association/organization, represented firm’s or service provider’s) products or services to these markets;

·       The applicant’s (or in the case of a trade association/organization, represented firm’s or service provider’s) potential for business in the markets, including likelihood of exports resulting from the mission; and

·       Consistency of the applicant’s (or in the case of a trade association/organization, represented firm’s or service provider’s) goals and objectives with the stated scope of the mission.


Balance of company size and location may also be considered during the review process.

Referrals from a political party or partisan political group or any information, including on the application, containing references to political contributions or other partisan political activities will be excluded from the application and will not be considered during the selection process. The sender will be notified of these exclusions.


Mission recruitment will be conducted in an open and public manner, including publication in the Federal Register, posting on the Commerce Department trade mission calendar ( and other Internet web sites, press releases to general and trade media, direct mail, notices by industry trade associations and other multiplier groups, and publicity at industry meetings, symposia, conferences, and trade shows.   Recruitment for the mission will begin immediately and conclude no later than Dec 31, 2024. The U.S. Department of Commerce will review applications and inform applicants of selection decisions on a rolling basis.  Applications received after Dec 31, 2024, will be considered only if space and scheduling constraints permit.


Geoffrey Parish
Chief Commercial Officer
U.S. Commercial Service, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2521 5752

Michael Wajntal
Commercial Specialist
U.S. Commercial Service, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2521 3721
Joyce Tang
Commercial Specialist
U.S. American Institute, Taiwan

Nga Hoang
Commercial Specialist
U.S. Commercial Service, Vietnam
Frantz Eyssallenne
Trade Specialist
Dallas, Texas
Tel: 469-424-7212
Owen Kim
Trade Specialist
Chicago, IL
Tel: 312-914-3752

Webinar Recording

In case you missed our June 13th webinar about the mission, click the link below. 

Webinar Recording

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